Saturday, November 29, 2008


crazy time.
i accidentally left Celes's Socio book in lounge lah. omg.
MUSTTTTTTTTT go back school to take it.

went to school to help Freebie Friday! :D
went for a while and tadah! all given out! O:
ohyes, went to buy bubbletea before going to school! hahaha! is like meet Persie, then we go together! whoooo.
had lunch after that. Mensa 2 Lasagneeeeeeeee! and Mushroom soup! :D:D
and suddenly the lounge alot of people, cause all eat lunch. LOL MAX.

stayed in loungeeeeeee.
went to find Celes after that cause she lending me her Socio book! :D
talked for very long, with her, Pamela and Mark. O: hahaha.

back to lounge after that.
so was actually waiting for OTC result to be out.
and yesss. it's out today. [:

hmm, happy, shock, sad, surprised, i don't know. so many feelings mixed at the same time.
anyway, i got in! [: happyhappy.

but to those who didn't get in!
DON'T GIVE UP ALRIGHT! please, DO GO APPEAL! you'll never know, this time you will get in leh! maybe the first interview didn't went well, do better this time k! i'm sure you can get in oneee! [: don't because of one setback, then your give up and like don't try. MUST TRY APPEAL OKAYYYYYYYYYY! [: jiayou alrightyyy!

and all those who got in! whooo! yay! awesome, let's rock otc. [:

happy to see many familiar names! [:
omg. first time going otc with BOTH GLs and Freshies.
this is soooo exciting.

but then, year 3s are leaving soon. ]:
very soon. hais.
and then we'll be year 3s soon.

time, really flies. ]:

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