Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I'm gonna blog in one of my favourite fonts - Georgia. Hahaha.

How time flies, I am almost 22 years of age soon.

Thanks to a certain someone, I went to re-read some interesting blog posts of the past from some friends and I. How cute.

It's pretty funny when you read back. It happens everytime to me. I said this like a few times i'm sure. "It's always nice to reminisce hahaha"

Life's about the same except that i'm working? I can't really study so I decided to give up on it.
The people that used to be featured in my blog are still about the same, except that I do miss going out with some of them. It was hell fun now I think about it.

I do feel like i've wasted much of my life away but it doesn't matter, I kind of enjoyed the wasted life. I gain memories at least.


Fandom wise it's still about the same. I'm still into SJ. Nothing wrong with that.
Boys are older than me and i'll grow old with them, hahaha.
People are going "ewww you're old stop fangirling" but i'm all "nyehehhehe who says old you can't fangirl do you not eat when you grow old" but I know it's of 2 different things just that I don't really bother.
Other than them i'm really into EXO now. EXO-K or EXO-M, I love both.
I especially like Luhan :D He's really attractive to me and oh so lovable *____*
But boy oh boy he dislikes being called "cute" so much.

I've taken my fangirling up to another level. I'm going to fly overseas for SJ's concert!
A big feat for me since i've never flown out of country for a /show/ and dad has never been easygoing about such stuff.
He probably figured out i'm old enough to handle my own expenses thus letting me go I guess. D:
I can't wait though! For the day to arrive! I'm really excited about it :D


Anyway, saw from somewhere that there's always 3 major things. 1 being work/study, 1 being sleep, and another being social life. The maximum you can ever choose is 2. You choose 2 of it and you neglect 1.
Choose work/study & sleep, you lose social life. Choose sleep and social life, you lose work/study. Choose work/study and social life, you lose sleep.
That's really how life goes huh?
I've been choosing work/study & social life combination so much i'm lacking sleep, adding on to the dark eye circles i've already had that can break the Guinness world record! Took me some time to figure out how to spell Guinness!

Going for some social life event tonight. I'm thinking about having birthday celebration in a club/pub too. Help, i'm turning into an alcoholic!

I honestly think that the people you mix with decides what kind of person you can become, but becoming alcoholic is not a bad thing so far yet!

What am I blabbering about?

A pretty long post here I must say.

Have a good day!

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I'M BLOGGING \O/////////////// ...no. just to let anyone who still even passes by this blog to know, i moved. Click. may or may not add ...