Thursday, October 18, 2007


timetable's out today!

yay! i got the CDS of my choice! :D
japanese~ ^^

and there's only lecture on the first week. haha!
so i don't need to go to school on monday and thursday next week! cause it's all tutorials. haha.
and my timetable is weird can!

there's only one subject on tuesday.
business stats. 4hours. 2hours lec, 2hours tut.
friday morning also.
principles of marketing. 2hours lec, 2 hours tut. so 4hours in total.
omt. can die.

anyway, here's a test! :D



  其实这类型的人,脾气太直太冲,有的时候有话直说,直得会让很多的朋友,被气得咬牙切齿,觉得我也没有干嘛,干嘛那么凶啊,突然发脾气,会觉得你真的 太情绪化,有的时候,看到你会觉得,还是闪你闪远一点好了,免得被风尾扫到的感觉,所以选择这个答案的朋友,你要检讨一下,你的脾气最近是不是火气太大 了。

  其实这类型的人,因为爱情对你们来说,在比例上,其实还满重要的,那么朋友其实也很重要,不过跟另外一半比起来,如果单獨约会的感觉不错的话,你会觉 得说,朋友你要体谅我,既然这么好了,你就要让我有一个约会,甜蜜幸福的时光,千万不要打扰我,好难得恋爱。不过在单身的时候,你就会觉得朋友很重要,所 以选择这个答案的朋友,重色轻友,你的朋友会对你又爱又恨,爱的,觉得你好幸福,恨的,觉得你真的不理我了。

  其实这类型的人,其实你其实赚的也满多的,可是你真的很小气,有的时候很容易斤斤计较,朋友会觉得说,其实你赚得也不差,干嘛这么小气,偶而也要大方 一点请客,让大家觉得说,其实你还满大方的,所以选择这个答案的朋友,虽然不景气,还是要偶而大方一下,请大家吃个饭吃个东西,感觉会好多了。


i chose B.
but oh please, i where got
haha, crap sia.
i am not that kind of person leh. haha.

another good news for me.
daddy is finally coming back from germany tomorrow morning!
7am. haha, but he told us not to go and fetch him already. it's so early! omt.
yay, finally he's back.
it'll be easier to talk him into buying a single magnetic for me, and maybe a Calstar for ahma. [:
and maybe he can refer people to me. hohoho.

i have to hit MA by this sunday! [x
and ME by this month end.
well, i believe i can do it.
my market listing is still quite fresh actually. \:
i should stop filtering the market listing.
cause it's really not good. X:

i need to do survey! :D
actually i like to do survey rather than call for SA. LOL!
okay. i have to recruit 4 more lovable leaders. :D
liyi has to recruit 5 more lah!
yewleong and i not counted. hmm. \:

actually i think, i should be more independent, and i need a clearer mind. haha.
i must be more hardworking too. and time management is super important already.

hmm. i think friendster is getting very boring. \:
i think Facebook and myYearbook is even more fun lor please.

ohyeah! i found a user who uploads The X-Family super fast! :D
greatgreat. ^^
i don't know what's wrong with my computer, something's wrong, and i cannot type chinese. ]:
whatever's the shit lah. ]:

okay, i shall go watch episode 52 and then sleep.
i don't know when will it end! some say 55, some say 60! it's already 52, but it doesn't seem like ending!
wuzun's not out yet, xiatian haven't really get all the powers yet to become zhong ji tie ke ren.
and xiongge haven't some back yet! urgh. this is getting exciting.

okay, i shall go watch. [:


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