Sunday, February 15, 2009

my head's currently spinning a little, especially when i close my eyes.

but i just feel like blogging a little.
perhaps a more detailed one again next time.

but in all, i had a wonderful night. :D
best spent vday ever!

who says singles cannot enjoy vday? fuckyoubitches.

i'm in a cranky mood i guess. hahahahahahahahahahaha!

but illusion & redbull vodka did help make the night better.

company was awesome.
Claudine, Bernita, Wan who left earlier, Claire, Shah, Farhan, Desmond, Ben, Kai, Brandon, Mel are surviving ones.
Mama's Carribeans to Fashion and back to Mama's.
tried Highlander, and others. packed like sardines.

anyway, random dancing was funstuff.
Shah's a great dancing partner. :D
and it's so fun spotting hot babes all. whooooooo.

okay, a short random post gonna turn into a long one!

before i end,

sleeeeeep! i need you.

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