Sunday, August 09, 2009

Sooyoung is so happy cause i'm blogging.
she's laughing like crazy now cause i'm blogging.
she can't control her laughter cause i'm blogging.

kay, that's not true.
but i'm blogging.

First thing!


it's so joyous that even Yuri is dancing! :D

for the past 2 week was hell.

fever, cough, flu, headache, backache all visited me. meow.

and i'm having headache and neckache now.

it's so horrible even Yoona is pouting.

but i just poped 2 panadol.
headache is okay already but neckache is...

okay, i don't really have anything to blog.
my brain juice dried up many many. ]:

i just got a mosquito bite, yuck.

look! even HyunJoong is whacking them!

okay, this is a good post filled with gifs. :D
so now it's not so empty!

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I'M BLOGGING \O/////////////// just to let anyone who still even passes by this blog to know, i moved. Click. may or may not add ...