Sunday, June 01, 2008


[a]people who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog & replace any question they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
[b]tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. these people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. continue this game by sending it to other people.

#1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
hmm, slap him, chop him up into 985423561274834 pieces and throw into the sea to feed the sharks and fishes? :D hahaha. no lah. just, leave him luh! and find a new hot boyfriend. HAHA!
#2. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
a dream with all my dreams. :D i'm greedy...
#3. What would your dream wedding be like?
dream wedding means haven't come true yet, means cannot come true right? means... it'll be under question 2.
#4. Are you confused as what lies ahead of you?
erms. true true true true. :D HAHAHAHA!
#5. What's your ideal lover like?
he's the best. so good that he doesn't even exist. D :
#6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
loving someone and being loved luh, DUH.
#7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
if he could wait for me.
#8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
i will..... kill his girlfriend slap her chop her cut into 128376532647893284 pieces and throw into the sea to feed the fishes and sharks? hahaha, i think i will emo in one corner. or maybe i will cry for one whole week. or maybe i will commit suicide. HAHA! i don't know!
#9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
HAVE LEH. but, i don't know.
#10. What do you want most in life?
being rich, being so goddamn super gorgeous, being famous, being smart, being all rounded. walau so impossible right.
#11. Is being tagged fun?
fun? fun like fun fair ah! HAHAHA!
#12. How do you see yourself in ten years time?
wow. i cannot see myself cause the world ends in 2012. LOL.
#13. Who is currently the most important person to you?
i don't know. i shall be selfish and say me, myself and i.
#14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
#15. Would you rather be single and rich OR married and poor?
single and rich. :D hahahahahha! cause when you get married, you cannot play anymoreeeeeeee! HAHAHAHAHA!
#16. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be?
#17. What are one of those things you prefer not to do?
there's alot.
#18. What kind of person do you think you are?
i think i am cute, pretty, nice, feminine, gorgeous, stunning, hot, sweet, perfect! ohwells, THINK only.
#19. What do you define as a bad day?
it doesn't exist. cause there's only monday to sunday.
#20. If you had to choose between love (BGR) or friendship, what would it be?
friendship lahhhhhhhhhhhhh, DUH!

i tag: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday and bad day. :D

damn lameeeeeeeeeeee. do it if you really want.

mid sem tests starts tomorrow.

tomorrow's marketing research. D :
hope everything will be alright.

am super looking forward to the holidays! [:
so many activities lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
like, sleepover with Ke Ai Family on the 9th, SOTWU10VE's sleepover on the 14th, Accion chalet on the 17th. whooooots! :D

and maybelin just asked when i want to go clubbing. HAHA! i really don't know mannnnn.
who wants to go! :D

but then, during holidays, have to finish up U-Art mosaic, there's the proposal for BOE, and newspaper article for MacroE.

ohwells. but the holidays is still worth looking forward to! [:
ahhhhhhh. studystudy. [:

it's just the starting of everything.

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