Monday, January 05, 2009


you're now NASTY NINETEEN! okay, wrong. 18+1 now! [: it's one step closer to being an adult, but you're stuck in being teen! hahaha.
may all your wishes come true and may you find a boyfriend soon and may you become slimmer and may you become prettier ah! :D hope you enjoyed your birthday though it's like projects and stuff, ohyes! may your projects be less of a bitch. haha! it's already the nasty ninteen, do enjoy yourself this whole year alright! maybe we shall go pubbing together since you dislike clubs. and secret sharing is ultimate joy with you please. cause you're retarded. :D
thank you for the awesome times you've been there listening to my retardest stuff, and for all those bimbotic moments we had. best thing has to be you becoming my FA in Reliez! awesome shit. like from Accion to Reliez. anyway, let's have more cheem deep thoughts again one day. teehee! and maybe we'll play everyone's favourtite song Love In This Club too. [:
hahaha! may you get what you wished for, and whooo! do tell me if you ever get a hot angmoh boyfriend ah. i'll like to see if he ever looks like torres or what. :D
love you tons!

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