Tuesday, January 20, 2009


happy 19 birthday izak! you're like one year older! omgz. congrats you'll get to 20 soon! :D
izak, stop being so busy and find us Accion more please. ]: is like, even the photo i'm using is so damn long ago, hello. HAHAHA! and you're so going to bring me go clubbing hokays!
like, when are you free busy ass. both you and porklin same lor. eeeeee.
and i realise i damn long never talk to you already! seee howww bussyyy youu areee issaaccteeehhh! and you said you wanted SOTWU outing, hahaha! i'm still waiting. o:
anywayy, may all your birthday wishes come true, may you be LESS busy, haha! doubt it'll ever happen, may you have lesser pimples, may you get whatever you want tooo!
take care and excel in design! hahaha! love you many!

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