Thursday, December 11, 2008

i got tagged by Celestaaaaaaa!

"According to your age, list down the number of things that most people don't know about you. And then tag 5 people."

1. i am borned naturally shy, environment trained me to be outgoing.

2. i used to be very afraid of guys. LOL!

3. there's no exact one person that i tell everything to. the only person that i tell everything to, is my diary.

4. yes, i keep diaries. i have at least 7 of them i think.

5. i can have alot of eyecandies at the same time, but i can only have 1 person that i like each time.

6. and you can know who my eyecandies are, but you will not know who is the person i like. \: unless you guess. LOLOLOL.

7. i don't tell the person i like to anybody, cause i always feel like i got this curse, whereby i tell someone who i like, my feelings for the person i like will just fade, to nothing. and yes, i will never ever confess to the person that i like them. no way! unless the person figure out himself and ask me, then maybe i will confirm answer. LOLOLOL! hahaha.

8. i cry easily when i watch sad shows, listen to sad songs or read sad books.

9. i cannot watch shows with death of closed ones. i will cry like shit. i hate disaster shows too. cause i cannot imagine myself to be them, then i get depressed, and then i reflect, and then i'll start crying. = =

10. sometimes i just control my tears. i got the feeling of crying easily, i just don't let it flow. cause i don't like to cry in front of people. i will feel very paiseh.

11. i hate to be alone. when i'm alone i tend to think alot. and i don't like to think alot, cause when i think of sad stuff, i will tear.

12. if one don't invite me to something, even though i know about it, i also won't just like. go. like, i will feel awkward.

13. i act differently in front of people i'm close and comfortable with and people whom i'm not close with. i just don't know why.

14. i take time to warm up to situation. i need time to warm up for me to become rahrah. i'm seriouss!

15. i don't really take initiative asking friends out. it's a damn bad thing i know. but i just don't know how to at times. \: but it doesn't mean i don't care and throw you guys away or what.

16. i used to love sports. = = i don't know why do i hate it so much now.

17. i like to listen to music and walk alone to anywhere when i'm feeling down. and then maybe tear abit here and there.

18. sometimes even when there's alot of people, i will feel left out, and end up feeling lonely. so sometimes you see me not talking, it's just because i'm feeling lonely though i'll say i'm feeling tired.

TAGGGGGGG: Claudine, Farhan, Mich, Persie, Janice, or anyone else that feels like doing!

actually i've doned it the other time already. cause priscilla tagged me.
but it's damn nonsense. so i decided to do it better this time round. :D
if you see anything funny. don't laugh hor. hahahahhaa.

school to study RA2! :D

die. suddenly don't have the mood for study. die.

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