Thursday, August 02, 2007


i'm currently outside now, doing project.
but i'll present a story, to entertain you first, especially CELESTA. since she's bored.


there was once mr.watermelon.
he weighed himself on the weighing machine and found himself weighing a 100kg, the highest limit for the weighing scale. mr.watermelon feels very sad, and is determined to slim down.
he trained everyday, running, skipping, doing everything he can to slim down.
until one day, he finally slim down.
and he become mr.cucumber.

moral of the story is,
it is better to remind yourself, it may not be good by turning yourself like others.
what i mean is, just be yourself.

and that moral is, anyhow crap one lah. HAHAHA, there is NO MORAL. :D

anyway, one last photo before i go. [:


taken from BSC sub comm camp. :D

i will blog more tonight, that is, when i get home lah. hahaha. this is for now, for you and for me.

oh, there will be more photos SOON. :D



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