Friday, August 03, 2007

i realise i forgot to do this, thanks to CELESTAEE. that chaonehneh, some stupid thing lah.

Each player of this game starts off with five things they like about their bodies.
People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own the five things they love about their bodies as well. Start every line with "I love...because...". I assure you, you might just surprise yourself by how difficult it is to come up with this list. Please state the rules of this game clearly. At the end you must choose as many people as you'd like to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks.

1) i love my hands/fingers. cause only with it i can type and blog. :D
2) i love my eyes. cause i can take beautiful photos, and look at my loved ones, and see how beautiful/ugly the world is. [:
3) i love my ears. cause i get to listen to beautiful melodies, but at the same time, suffer from shock cause of noise pollution.
4) i love my legs. cause i can walk with it, though they're not pretty, but they're useful to me. :D
5) last but not least, i love my HEART. cause it gave me the chance to love, and feel the love. [x

People to do: you want to do, you do. xD

okay, lameshit enough. but what can you expect out of celesta's brain?
haha, photos? next post.
there's marketing test tomorrow and i'm seriously NOT prepared for it. ]:
& there's project too.
what's worse, a one week advance PMS.

whatthefreakingflyingbananas. HATE IT.
reason why i know i'm having PMS is, i just felt the emo-ness and boredom and loneliness and sadness and random thoughtness. well, whatever you can think of.
and if i'm not having PMS, i will NOT be like that.
so yes, conclusion-PMS IS HERE.

so beware, I MAY BITE.
don't say i never warn you! i already warn you IN ADVANCE somemore. :D

screwit test, project rushing heat, BSC movie mania, sweet lonely night! :D
basic summary of tomorrow, oh, there's hey!gorgeous coming too!


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